Easy Kitchen Wall Idea

Sometimes you just need a quick, easy, one day project! And this is the perfect one! 

My parents came for a visit and wanted to help me do some projects in the house. And when your parents are in their 80s and travel to Arizona from Indiana, you take advantage of their offer and very much welcome the help!

 I had this idea for a while but needed to make a quick trip to Ikea in order to do it. My parents were more than excited to hop in the car and set out on a shopping adventure! We gathered the supplies we needed (as well as a few things that we didn’t really need) and headed home.

Supply list: 

3 black bars , 3 hanging plant holders (I think these are actually utensil holders) and one larger basket/planter. I also picked up a couple packages of hooks and several faux plants. I already owned a few cutting boards so I was going to start with what I had. 

This is really one of the easiest projects you can start with. All you need is a screwdriver, tape measure  and a level. My dad and I marked out where we wanted each bar to hang. We took note on how much distance we would need between each bar and where we wanted to highest bar to hang vs. the lowest. Once we had our measurements set, it was just a matter of screwing the bars into the  wall. Once that is done, you had the hanging containers and a few hooks for your cutting boards. This was a very simple wall but everyone who visits my home always takes note of it. 

Shopping List

Hultarp Bar

Hultarp Hooks

Hultarp Container

Haltarp Container

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