
Our stairway went from drab, to being one of our favorite statement pieces in our home.

Not too exciting...

This stairway is not very exciting and is one you could walk by without even noticing it at all. That is so sad since it has those 3 windows up there that I totally love! I definitely was ready to make a change that did demand attention!

More at the top...

When you start walking up the stairs, you immediately notice how many of those orange-brown balusters there really are. My first thought (and least expensive) was to paint them. I originally planned to paint them black but the more I looked at them, the more I realized that paint wouldn’t change the style. I wanted something more modern. I then started looking at parts to replace the rails and balusters. As I was researching this, we were also making plans for the front door. During our conversation about our door, we found out that they also do stair rails. He drafted up a plan and we loved it! 

Rails first...

The rails were ready before I was ready to start on the steps so we went ahead and had them install them. Once they were installed, I couldn’t wait to rip that carpet up and get started! 

Preperation is key...

Before I started ripping up carpet, I decided it would be best to prep all the pieces I would need outside. I painted the risers to match the trim in our house. I then stained all of the treads a dark brown. Having all of the pieces ready before starting made this project move pretty quickly. I selected treads that had a nose that hung over the riser of each step. The look made everything go together seamlessly. I started at the bottom and worked my way up one step at a time. 

Time to get fancy...

Once all of the treads were in place and I had sealed them, I knew this stairway needed more. The windows did not have any trim around them and I wanted to add some wainscoting to the walls. This is a pretty easy thing to do and it adds so much character to a space. I have textured walls so I used quarter inch plywood as my base and then used boards to design the rest the way I liked. 

Texture is important...

After I finished all of the trim work, I felt like the space didn’t look finished. I decided to add some greenery in the corners and bamboo blinds to the windows. I really liked that it gave the space some color since the walls and trim were all the same color of white. I also loved the texture the blinds added. This space looks much more complete now. 

Stairway Photo Gallery

Before and after photos as well as a look at the work as it was completed.